First question ever :)
I'm studying programming "by myself", reading "C Programming: A modern Approach" by K.N.King. In Chapter18 - Declarations, in the Q&A section, there is a question about why selection statements and iteration statements (and their "inner" statements) are considered to be blocks in C99. After a small introduction to the answer, he says:
[...]The C99 standard states that the object represented by a compund literal has static duration if the compound literal occurs outside the body of a function. Otherwise, it has automatic storage duration; as a result, the memory occupied by the object is deallocated at the end of the block in which the compound literal appears[...]
Which I think I understand. I've tried to return a pointer to a compound literal from a function, and indeed the output is wrong (or undefined I guess). My problem is the following; He gives this example:
/* Example 2 - if statements with braces */
double *coefficients, value;
coefficients = (double[3]) {1.5, -3.0, 6.0};
coefficients = (double[3]) {4.5, 1.0, -3.5};
value = evaluate_polynomial(coefficients);
Followed by this explanation:
Each compound literal causes an object to be created, but that object exists only within the block formed by the braces that enclose the statement in which the literal appears. By the time
is called,coefficients
points to an object that no longer exist. The result: undefined behavior.
And when I try exactly that same code in my computer (I'm using GCC in a Linux VM), I always get the right output. The literal does not seem to be deallocated once the "control flow" exit the if
Can someone elaborate a little more about this?
For performance reasons, when the program reaches the end of a variable's scope (or this variable is freed
), its content is not deleted. But its memory address might be reused later for storing another variable leading to an Undefined Behavior.
Hence, if you print your coefficients later in the program, they might or might not correspond to your expected value.
If you want to illustrate this you can progressively add more and more code beetween your variable's exit block and the instruction where your variable is read. At some point, your variable will likely not have the expected value.
Please carefully avoid Undefined Behaviors as they can lead to hard to reproduce bugs (e.g. program that works 99% of the time but breaks horribly 1% of the time).