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Is it possible to set a default table style in Apache POI XWPF?

Besides one cell, is there any way to style the entire table?


Inside the Word, set it up as you see in the image. I wonder if there is a way to designate a basic style like a word table.



  • The table styles are stored in a separate styles.xml file in Word's Office Open XML file storage. Apache POI does not creating such a styles document per default. But it supports creating a such using XWPFDocument.createStyles. If you have that, the need is creating a table style in that styles document. Then link that style to the table using XWPFTable.setStyleID.

    Creating a XWPFStyle until now is only supported by using contructors which needs a org.openxmlformats.schemas.wordprocessingml.x2006.main.CTStyle object. So one need using low level ooxml-schemas objects and methods to create such a CTStyle object. The shortest way to do so is parsing XML to such an object. The folowing complete example shows this.

    import org.apache.poi.xwpf.usermodel.*;
    import org.openxmlformats.schemas.wordprocessingml.x2006.main.*;
    public class CreateWordTable {
     private static XWPFStyle createTableStyle(XWPFStyles styles, String styleId) throws Exception {
      if (styles == null || styleId == null) return null;
      String tableStyleXML = 
         "<w:style xmlns:w=\"\" w:styleId=\"" + styleId + "\" w:type=\"table\">"
       + "<w:name w:val=\"" + styleId + "\"/>"
       + "<w:pPr><w:spacing w:lineRule=\"auto\" w:line=\"240\" w:after=\"0\"/></w:pPr>"
       + "<w:tblPr>"
       + "<w:tblStyleRowBandSize w:val=\"1\"/><w:tblStyleColBandSize w:val=\"1\"/>"
       + "<w:tblBorders>"
       + "<w:top w:val=\"single\" w:themeTint=\"99\" w:themeColor=\"text1\" w:color=\"666666\" w:space=\"0\" w:sz=\"4\"/>"
       + "<w:bottom w:val=\"single\" w:themeTint=\"99\" w:themeColor=\"text1\" w:color=\"666666\" w:space=\"0\" w:sz=\"4\"/>"
       + "<w:insideH w:val=\"single\" w:themeTint=\"99\" w:themeColor=\"text1\" w:color=\"666666\" w:space=\"0\" w:sz=\"4\"/>"
       + "</w:tblBorders>"
       + "</w:tblPr>"
       + "<w:tblStylePr w:type=\"firstRow\"><w:rPr><w:b/><w:bCs/></w:rPr></w:tblStylePr>"
       + "<w:tblStylePr w:type=\"lastRow\"><w:rPr><w:b/><w:bCs/></w:rPr></w:tblStylePr>"
       + "<w:tblStylePr w:type=\"firstCol\"><w:rPr><w:b/><w:bCs/></w:rPr></w:tblStylePr>"
       + "<w:tblStylePr w:type=\"lastCol\"><w:rPr><w:b/><w:bCs/></w:rPr></w:tblStylePr>"
       + "<w:tblStylePr w:type=\"band1Vert\"><w:tblPr/><w:tcPr><w:shd w:val=\"clear\" w:color=\"auto\" w:themeFillTint=\"33\" w:themeFill=\"text1\" w:fill=\"CCCCCC\"/></w:tcPr></w:tblStylePr>"
       + "<w:tblStylePr w:type=\"band1Horz\"><w:tblPr/><w:tcPr><w:shd w:val=\"clear\" w:color=\"auto\" w:themeFillTint=\"33\" w:themeFill=\"text1\" w:fill=\"CCCCCC\"/></w:tcPr></w:tblStylePr>"
       + "</w:style>";
      CTStyles ctStyles = CTStyles.Factory.parse(tableStyleXML);
      CTStyle ctStyle = ctStyles.getStyleArray(0);
      XWPFStyle style = styles.getStyle(styleId);
      if (style == null) {
       style = new XWPFStyle(ctStyle, styles);
      } else {
      return style;
     public static void main(String[] args) throws Exception {
      XWPFDocument document = new XWPFDocument();
      XWPFParagraph paragraph = document.createParagraph();
      XWPFRun run = paragraph.createRun();  
      run.setText("The table");
      XWPFTable table = document.createTable(6, 4);
      for (int r = 0; r < 6; r++) {
       for (int c = 0; c < 4; c++) {
        XWPFTableCell cell = table.getRow(r).getCell(c);
        cell.setText("row " + (r+1) + ", col " + (c+1));
      XWPFStyles styles = document.createStyles();
      XWPFStyle style = createTableStyle(styles, "ListTableStyle");
      FileOutputStream out = new FileOutputStream("CreateWordTable.docx");

    Where do I have the XML from? I have created a simple table using Word, then applied the table style "List Table 2" to it. Then I unzipped the resulting *.docx file and looked into /word/styles.xml. There I found what XML was used for table style "List Table 2".