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How to return values separated by comma from array?

I work on angular 7 I face Issue: I can't separate returned values of ZCO by comma from OriginCountry.

Origin Country is an array of an object I need to collect property ZCO from it

separated by a comma when it has multiple values so How to do that?

on component.ts

this.OriginCountry = this.partDetailsService.currentData.OriginCountry;  
console.log("country origion" + JSON.stringify(this.OriginCountry) )

data returned from OriginCountry as below :

  { CO: "zx", ZCO: "China", InfSrc: "FMD", TP: "Factory" },
  { CO: "zy", ZCO: "Japan", InfSrc: "FMD", TP: "Factory" }

ON Component.html

<div *ngFor="let country of OriginCountry">

Expected Result to be :



  • Other solution, this relies on reduce

    const csv = [
                .reduce((ZCOs, co) => [...ZCOs, co.ZCO], []).join(', ');