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Referencing TargetElements when when authoring Adaptive Cards

I am authoring an Adaptive Card in C# and need to add an Image with a ToggleVisibilityAction. The JSON equivalent is:

  "type": "Image",
  "selectAction": {
    "type": "Action.ToggleVisibility",
    "title": "expand",
    "targetElements": [ "REFERENCE_1", "REFERENCE_2",]
  "url": "MY_IMAGE_URL",
  "altText": "visible"

In the above REFERENCE_1 and REFERENCE_2 are the Id fields of the elements I want to target.

When authoring it in C#, I have

new AdaptiveImage()
  SelectAction = new AdaptiveToggleVisibilityAction()
    Title = "collapse",

My challenge is that the JSON version accepts a string reference with an Id of the TargetElement but the C# version expects a List<AdaptiveTargetElement> where REFERENCE_COLLECTION_HERE is. How do I manage to reference the TargetElement while being able to add it where I want it in my card layout.


  • You can just use AdaptiveTargetElement objects instead of strings:

    new AdaptiveImage()
        SelectAction = new AdaptiveToggleVisibilityAction()
            Title = "collapse",
            TargetElements = new List<AdaptiveTargetElement>
                new AdaptiveTargetElement("REFERENCE_1"),
                new AdaptiveTargetElement("REFERENCE_2"),

    You can see the documentation for them here: