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Improving JQGrid Tree Grid performance

I have a rather large tree grid of clients (total tree size 3000 but the one node has 1500 children). Its an adjacency model tree and I only load the data thats needed (Ajax call when I expand each node).

Performance is great on nodes that don't have many children and even when expanding the big node but whenever i collapse the big node I get an alert saying:

Stop running this script?

A Script on this page is causing your web browser to run slowly. If it continues to  run, your computer might become unresponsive. 

Its not retrieving the data that is slow but is the client side manipulation of the tree.

1) Are there any settings that I can apply to increase the performance? I've tried gridview = true but I don't think that has any effect for tree grids.

2) Does rowNum have any effect on tree grids?

3) I'm using v3.7.2 - would upgrading to v4 make any difference?

4) If I can't get this to work smoothly can you recommend another tree grid? I've used JQGrid with great success throughout our app and would be a sad panda if I have to find another solution :(



  • First of all you should upgrade from 3.7.2 version to the version 4.0.0. In the 4.0 version of jqGrid the tree grid was changes to support gridview:true which is very important in case of large number of rows/nodes.

    If the performance after the upgraging will still not sufficient you should post full grid definition and post the URL where the test JSON/XML data can be downloaded. Then one could debug the problem and probebly gives you more recommendations.