I am working on cloud functions especially schedule functions. I need to trigger a function periodically each 5 minutes, but in only test step. I need to run it on pubsub emulator without deploying it.
How to do it?
I tried to use firebase shell, but it triggered only once
exports.scheduledFunctionPlainEnglish =functions.pubsub.schedule('every 2 minutes')
.onRun((context) => {
functions.logger.log("this runs every 2 minutes")
return null;
This is currently not supported for scheduled functions. The documentation states:
Using the shell, you mock data and perform function calls to simulate interaction with products that the Emulator Suite does not currently support: Storage, PubSub, Analytics, Remote Config, Storage, Auth, and Crashlytics.
Scheduled functions are an unsupported extension of pubsub triggers.
Feel free to file a feature request with Firebase support.