How the title already says, im asking how I can make my code faster or better. Right now im having the problem that my Dual Pivot Quicksort is much much slower than a normal Quicksort and also cant handle large numbers as well. Right now im just gonna put in the code for the Method but if you want I can post the Main methode too, so you can see my inputs.
public static List<int> sort(List<int> input, bool start)
if (input.Count > 1)
int LP = input[0];
int RP = input[input.Count - 1];
List<int> lessLP = new List<int>();
List<int> greatRP = new List<int>();
List<int> betweenLPRP = new List<int>();
if (LP > RP)
int sp = LP;
LP = RP;
RP = sp;
for (int i = 1; i < input.Count - 1; i++)
if (input[i] < LP)
else if (input[i] > RP)
else if (input[i] >= LP & input[i] <= RP)
List<int> end = new List<int>();
lessLP = sort(lessLP, false);
greatRP = sort(greatRP, false);
betweenLPRP = sort(betweenLPRP, false);
foreach (var x in lessLP)
foreach (var x in betweenLPRP)
foreach (var x in greatRP)
return end;
return input;
Thanks for helping already. btw Sorry for the uncommented code
Edit: Ok after some feedback I tried to get this code as c# to work.
but everytime I run this code now I get an StackOverflowException
public static void quicksort(ref int[] arr, int left, int right)
if (right > left)
if (arr[left] > arr[right]) swap(ref arr, left, right);
int p = arr[left], q = arr[right];
int l = left + 1, g = right - 1, k = 1;
while(k <= g)
if (arr[k] < p)
swap(ref arr, k, l);
else if (arr[k] >= q)
while (arr[g] > q && k < g) g--;
swap(ref arr, k, g);
if(arr[k] < p)
swap(ref arr, k, l);
l--; g++;
swap(ref arr, left, l);
swap(ref arr, right, g);
quicksort(ref arr, left, l - 1);
quicksort(ref arr, l + 1, g - 1);
quicksort(ref arr, g + 1, right);
public static void swap(ref int[] arr, int i, int j)
int tmp = arr[i];
arr[i] = arr[j];
arr[j] = tmp;
You have a typo in your translation of the code from that reference.
On this line:
int l = left + 1, g = right - 1, k = 1;
That last 1
(one) that you have should instead be an l
(lower-case L).
Incidentally, since arrays are reference types by definition in c#
, the ref
modifier on the arr
argument is unnecessary. That is only needed if you wish to replace the entire parameter wholesale from within the method (as in arr = new ...
) and have that change reflected in the caller. This goes for both quicksort
and swap
. Here, ref
only makes the code less efficient.
Another minor point is that the referenced code (and yours) has some inefficiencies where it calls swap
with identical i
and j
arguments - doesn't affect validity, though, only speed.