I am making use of non-static import
JsonPath jp = response.jsonPath();
For a JSON as shown below:
{"status":"success","data":[{"id":"1","employee_name":"Tiger Nixon","employee_salary":"320800","employee_age":"61","profile_image":""},{"id":"2","employee_name":"Garrett Winters","employee_salary":"170750","employee_age":"63","profile_image":""}]}
When i am trying to run it , i am getting below error:
java.lang.IllegalArgumentException: Invalid JSON expression:
Script1.groovy: 1: expecting EOF, found '[' @ line 1, column 31.
1 error
Can someone guide me why is this error being thrown ?
I doubt if that syntax is right, nonetheless, you should be using the below
Also note that the id is a string in your response so you will have to include it in quotes
js.get("data.find {it.id > '14'}.employee_name").toString();