I'm trying to re-implement a C++ code in Go. Specifically, I'm focused on meshToVolume
tool of OpenVDB library.
As shown by a manually-prepared code flow screenshot, even a rough call stack map is pretty perplexing.
I'm looking for a tool to help me keep track of call stack and the code flow. So far:
Can anybody suggest a helpful tool/method?
Using Doxygen, I could finally visualize call graph!
Downloaded and installed Doxygen. Then ran Doxywizard i.e. Doxygen GUI front-end. OpenVDB has a doc
directory which is set as the working directory from which Doxygen will run.
Without selecting these options, call graphs didn't get generated for me:
I have Graphviz DOT language installed on my machine. There I can use it to generate call graphs:
Finally, Doxygen generates the output HTML accessible at:
Dependency graph sample: