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How to send allure or html report as an attachment in the Jenkins email notifications

How to send allure or html report as an attachment in the Jenkins email notifications. This is example of the pipeline i am using in my Pipeline script in Jenkins. I have setup my email notifcations, however i want to get some sort of report in the email. Please note that providing a link is not enough because my tests are setup on a different machine with the reports.

pipeline {  
     agent any  
     stages {  
         stage('Test') {  
             steps {  
                 sh 'echo "Fail!"; exit 1'  
     post {  
         always {  
             echo 'This will always run'  
         success {  
             echo 'This will run only if successful'  
         failure {  
             mail bcc: '', body: "<b>Example</b><br>Project: ${env.JOB_NAME} <br>Build Number: ${env.BUILD_NUMBER} <br> URL de build: ${env.BUILD_URL}", cc: '', charset: 'UTF-8', from: '', mimeType: 'text/html', replyTo: '', subject: "ERROR CI: Project name -> ${env.JOB_NAME}", to: "";  
         unstable {  
             echo 'This will run only if the run was marked as unstable'  
         changed {  
             echo 'This will run only if the state of the Pipeline has changed'  
             echo 'For example, if the Pipeline was previously failing but is now successful'  


  • You should use emailext plugin not mail

    failure {
        attachmentsPattern: "<path to report>", 
        body: '', 
        subject: "", 
        to: ""