Project has both bval
and hibernate validator 5.3.6Final
bval comes from a 3rd party jar dependency
When trying to load Validator - its defaulting to bval and fails at validation constraint defined by hibernate annotation.
final Validator validator = Validation.buildDefaultValidatorFactory().getValidator();
ValidatorFactory cf = Validation.buildDefaultValidatorFactory();
final Set<ConstraintViolation<AdminLoginFormImpl>> violations = validator.validate(this)
How to load exclusively hibernate validator ?
Can they even co-exist ?
Exception seen ::
No compliant org.hibernate.validator.constraints.Length ConstraintValidator found for annotated element of type java.lang.String
javax.validation.UnexpectedTypeException: No compliant org.hibernate.validator.constraints.Length ConstraintValidator found for annotated element of type java.lang.String
Apparently, your code uses one of the Hibernate Validator-specific constraints so using Apache BVal won't work.
If your code doesn't use any Apache BVal-specific features, I would stick to Hibernate Validator and exclude Apache Bval from the dependencies.
In any case, only one of the implementations will be used so you should only have one.