I believe I have formed this question title correctly because I wasn't sure how to form it. As an example, I have summarized my query below.
I have an order table which saves order details like customer id, address and product ids and quantity ordered for each order in a row. So multiple inventory/product ids are saved in a single row.
so my query looks like: this is a summarized query for an easier explanation I have omitted various other fields.
SELECT customer.name,customer.address,tbl_order.order_date,tbl_order.product1_id,tbl_order.product2_id,inventory.product1_name,inventory.product2_name
FROM tbl_order
INNER JOIN customer ON tbl_order.customer_id = customer.id
INNER JOIN inventory on tbl_order.product1_id = inventory.id
INNER JOIN inventory on tbl_order.product2_id = inventory.id
where YEAR(tbl_order.order_date)='$year'
So my question is how to get the inventory details from the inventory table based on each product id from tbl_order. I am running a while loop to show all data for a year
I can divide this query into 2 and run the inventory query individually but then how to combine the while loop, as sometimes there could also be empty query when some products are not in order table (depending on order to order, not all products are ordered) so this doesn't work
while($row=mysqli_fetch_assoc($sql1)) and ($row1=mysqli_fetch_assoc($inv1)) and ($row2=mysqli_fetch_assoc($inv2))
and so one for 10 products
First, of all you have bad DB design and I kindly advice to normalize your DB.
Second, if you can not re-design the DB you can use multiple joins with aliases like:
customer.name, customer.address, tbl_order.order_date,
tbl_order.product1_id, inv1.product1_name,
tbl_order.product2_id, inv2.product2_name
FROM tbl_order
INNER JOIN customer ON tbl_order.customer_id = customer.id
INNER JOIN inventory AS inv1 ON tbl_order.product1_id = inv1.id
INNER JOIN inventory AS inv2 ON tbl_order.product2_id = inv2.id
WHERE YEAR(tbl_order.order_date)='$year'