I'm creating an app on APDE. few weeks ago I discovered, that I'm able to execute any command from java, but I have to specify the package.
here's constructor:
ColorTabs(int x, int y, int wid, int hei, boolean orientation, int amount, int value, String[] names) {
this.objs=new Place[amount];
for (int i=0; i<amount; i++)
if (orientation)
this.objs[i]=new Switch(i*wid, 0, wid, hei, names.length>i?names[i]:str(i));
this.objs[i]=new Switch(0, i*hei, wid, hei, names.length>i?names[i]:str(i));
here's I try to create an object:
new ColorTabs(-margin, -margin, resizedPSiz, resizedPSiz,
true, 16, 0, null);
last element have to be optional, but I don't want to use this at the constructor
String... names
I don't want to create this:
, names==null?0:(names.length>i?names[i]:str(i));
names.length causes problem because you can't specify length of null array. I decided to try to excend some class. but I don't know where you can excend class T[]. I want to use some sort of this solution:
import java.lang.???;
class someClass extends ???{
T(){ //I'm not sure if that's the name of constructor
int length(){
if (this==null) return 0;
else return super.length;
I tried to find the package at documentation on developer.android.com, but I didn't found it.
So I'm trying to find the String[] class or T[] class, but not necessarily other types of countables.
Java does not have optional method or constructor parameters or default values. You can get around this by using overloading to define a new method that just calls the other method with a default parameter.
// Pass empty array as "names"
ColorTabs(int x, int y, int wid, int hei, boolean orientation, int amount, int value) {
this(x, y, wid, hei, orientation, amount, value, new String[0]);
ColorTabs(int x, int y, int wid, int hei, boolean orientation, int amount, int value, String[] names) {
Your current approach has a few problems:
- "null" is a special keyword for "this variable does not point to an object". So something like this == null
will always be false
because this
will always point to the "current" object.