I have a list of Employees
[employeeId=22, employeeName= Rajan Anand, department= Engineering, salary=1600000]
[employeeId=23, employeeName= Swati Patil, department= Testing, salary=800000]
[employeeId=27, employeeName= Vijay Chawda, department= Engineering, salary=800000]
[employeeId=29, employeeName= Basant Mahapatra, department= Engineering, salary=600000]
[employeeId=32, employeeName= Ajay Patel, department= Testing, salary=350000]
[employeeId=34, employeeName= Swaraj Birla, department= Testing, salary=350000]
I want to collect department and id of the employee with maximum salary in that department in a Map<String,Integer>
Sample Output:
Engineering 22
Testing 23
The attempted code
Map<String, Optional<Employee>> retVal = new HashMap<String, Optional<Employee>>();
retVal = employeeList.stream().collect(Collectors.groupingBy(Employee::getDepartment,Collectors.maxBy(Comparator.comparing(Employee::getSalary))));
This implementation I have added and I am getting department as a key and the highest salary Employee as a value but I want only employee id as the value.
Provided what you've attempted, you can extend the same pipeline to stream again over the entries and map the values as following:
Map<String, Optional<Integer>> retVal = employeeList.stream()
e -> e.getValue().map(Employee::getId)));
Now if you were to look for abstracting the streaming over entries and perform the operation with a single collect
operation, then you can make use of Hadi's solution.
As a suggestion(though with two times iteration), if I was to extend this and make it flexible for further use, I would first prepare a lookup map for the id to the salary of the employees
Map<Integer, Integer> employeeSalary = employeeList.stream()
.collect(Collectors.toMap(Employee::getId, Employee::getSalary));
using this map to further attain the mapping as you currently desire is also convenient though, such as :
Map<String, Integer> retVal = employeeList.stream()
.collect(Collectors.toMap(Employee::getDepartment, Employee::getId,