I have a viewpager2 with 5 fragments, and last fragment has Edittext The question is, I want to requestfocus() to my edittext everytime the user choose last fragment.
What I have tried:
Any Idea for this problem will be appreciate Thank you
I am sorry I forgot to mention
My Viewpager(parent) is in the last fragment of other viewpager2(child). So I have viewpager2(parent) and the last fragment contains my viewpager2(child). When I choose the last fragment of "child" I can set focus to the edittext. But the problem is when I change the "parent" tab, and go back to last fragment that contains "child". I can't tell the "child" to focus again.
Yes Onresume, and onpause work at the "parent's" fragment, not at "child"
Thank you
You can requestFocus , in the onResume
method of that last fragment, with Viewpager2 any off screen fragments are capped at onStarted
and resumed when fully on screen.
I'm not sure why you say:-
Use onresume, onattach etc, None of them called when user change between fragment
Unless you are talking about the Activity's
instead here.
This behaviour is not well documented but you can see the functionality in the releasenotes https://developer.android.com/jetpack/androidx/releases/viewpager2#1.0.0-alpha06
FragmentStateAdapter: non-primary-item Fragments are capped at STARTED, and their menuVisibility is set to false.
Fix for ordering of Fragment pause / resume transactions when changing the page (we now always pause the old primary item before resuming the new one). (b/139489059)
You also say:-
Setuservisisiblehint is deprecated
Which is not part of Viewpager2 but the original viewpager and the original viewpager also only resumes the current fragment.