I have a Blazor Project, in the Program.cs(formaly aka Startup.cs) I added a service
I can use/access that service on a razor/blazor page like this :
@inject Models.UserVisit userVisitObj
(UserVisit is a "normal" C# .cs Class in the folder Models)
What I don't know is how can I use this "userVisitObj" in a normal C# Class that does not have a razorpage (where I would use the @inject)?
How do I use that in here (normal C# Class in the same project but without a blazor/razor-componentpage):
public class UserModel
public Guid Id { get; set; }
public CultureInfo UserCultureInfo { get; set; }
public UserModel()
Models.UserVisit userVisitObj; // THAT DOESN'T WORK -- ERROR
I hope I could make my question somewhat clear (please be kind I'm still a beginner).
You can use constructor injection as follows:
private readonly Models.UserVisit _userVisitObj
public UserModel(Models.UserVisit userVisitObj)
_userVisitObj = userVisitObj;
Note that this is applicable to normal C# classes.
If your class is a component class, you need to use the Inject attribute with a public property, as for instance:
public Models.UserVisit UserVisit {get; set;}
Hope this helps...