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Tuning Spark for "Excessive" Parallelism on EMR

I have a Spark job that reads in some TB of data and executes two window functions. This job runs just fine in smaller chunks, 50k shuffle partitions on 4TB, but when I increase the data input to 150k-200k shuffle partitions for 15TB nodes begin to fail.

This happens for two reasons:

  • OOM on the Executors:
  • Timeout when shuffling

OOM on the Executors

20/07/01 15:58:14 ERROR YarnClusterScheduler: Lost executor 92 on ip-10-102-125-133.ec2.internal: Container killed by YARN for exceeding memory limits.  22.0 GB of 22 GB physical memory used. Consider boosting spark.yarn.executor.memoryOverhead or disabling yarn.nodemanager.vmem-check-enabled because of YARN-4714.

I have already increased the size of the driver to account for the large shuffle:

  • spark.driver.memory = 16g
  • spark.driver.maxResultSize = 8g

The executors are R5.xlarge with the following conf:

  • spark.executor.cores = 4
  • spark.executor.memory = 18971M
  • spark.yarn.executor.memoryOverheadFactor = 0.1875

This is well below the max accordiing to AWS:

  • yarn.nodemanager.resource.memory-mb = 24576

I understand I need to tweak spark.yarn.executor.memoryOverheadFactor here to allow space for the massive overhead associated with this many partitions. Hopefully that will be the last change needed there.

Shuffle Timeout

20/07/01 15:59:39 ERROR TransportChannelHandler: Connection to ip-10-102-116-184.ec2.internal/ has been quiet for 600000 ms while there are outstanding requests. Assuming connection is dead; please adjust if this is wrong.
20/07/01 15:59:39 ERROR TransportResponseHandler: Still have 8 requests outstanding when connection from ip-10-102-116-184.ec2.internal/ is closed
20/07/01 15:59:39 ERROR OneForOneBlockFetcher: Failed while starting block fetches

I've adjusted this timeout as follows:

  • = 600

I can further increase the in the conf to quiet this and wait longer. I would rather reduce the Shuffle Read Blocked Time, this is ranging from 1min to 30min. Is there a way to increase the communication rate between nodes?

I have tried adjusting the following settings, but can't seem to improve this speed:

  • spark.reducer.maxSizeInFlight = 512m
  • = 5
  • = 128

What do I need to tune to decrease the Shuffle Read Blocked Time on AWS EMR?


  • For OOM on executors , do this. It solved the issue for us. from :

    Even if all the Spark configuration properties are calculated and set correctly, virtual out-of-memory errors can still occur rarely as virtual memory is bumped up aggressively by the OS. To prevent these application failures, set the following flags in the YARN site settings.
    Best practice 5: Always set the virtual and physical memory check flag to false.

    Reason for that : "Container killed by YARN for exceeding memory limits. 10.4 GB of 10.4 GB physical memory used" on an EMR cluster with 75GB of memory

    To resolve shuffle-timeout, try to increase your storage(EBS volumes).