I am using QUERY function in google sheets to select Province column (H) where R,V,W are not zero. Province names are abreviations like ON, BC, AB, etc. The query below works fine:
QUERY(Data_Dump!A3:W,"SELECT H WHERE (R <> 0 OR V <> 0 OR W <> 0)",0)
However I want to also change the province names while transferring. For example changing "ON" to "Ontario" and "BC" to "British Columbia", etc.
I was thinking to combine SWITCH
with my query similar to this:
=ArrayFormula(substitute(QUERY(Data_Dump!A3:W,"SELECT H WHERE (R <> 0 OR V <> 0 OR W <> 0)",0),"ON","ONTARIO"))
This certainly is wrong and only tries to change ON to Ontario. Just as an example of what I tried.
*** UPDATE: Here is a sample Google Sheet I share.
Appreciate any help here.
"ON", "Ontario";
"AB", "Alberta";
"QC", "Quebec";
"BC", "British Columbia";
"NS", "Nova Scotia"}, 2, 0)), Data_Dump!B3:W},
"select Col1,Col18
where Col18 <> 0
or Col22 <> 0
or Col23 <> 0", 0))