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codeigniter4 controller routing in subfolder

I have this setup in Routes:

$routes->add("admin", "Admin/Login::index");
$routes->add("login", "Admin/Login::index");
$routes->add("admin/home", "Admin/Admin::index");

my controller directory is like this:

folder structure

Problem: when I access:


both are working as I want it, but this link:


returns 403 Forbidden.

how should I write my route or controller to make /admin goes to the same place as /admin/home or something else?


  • The problem occurred because I have a folder in my public folder that shares the same name with my folder in controller which is "admin" so when i access /admin it search for index.php inside public/admin.

    and more info about routes

    $routes->add("admin", "Admin\Login::index");
    $routes->add("login", "Admin\Login::index");
    $routes->add("admin/home", "Admin\Admin::index");

    that is the correct syntax, using / will cause an 404 error when the link have a variable segment.