I'm not sure why I can't find examples of this. But I want my column E to have an average of all the columns to the right. In single example it's: =AVERAGE(F2:O2)
Now I try to do this for the whole column: =ArrayFormula(IF(ROW(E:E)=1,"Aggregate",AVERAGE(F:O)))
The problem is it doesn't do it per row, it just does the whole array. Maybe i don't want to use ArrayFormula
I should also put a IF(ISBLANK(F (Row())), "" So I don't calculate blank rows.
How do I put dynamic row on this?
"select "&TEXTJOIN(",", 1,
"avg(Col"&ROW(F2:F)-ROW(F2)+1&")", ))&"")),
"select Col2"))