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How to deserialize JSON object with Newtonsoft when it's fields names are reserved keywords like "short"?

I have some JSON object:

"opf": {
    "type": "2014",
    "code": "12247",
    "full": "Публичное акционерное общество",
    "short": "ПАО"

I want it to deserialize it into my class:

class SuggestionInfoDataOpf
    public string code;
    public string full;
    public string short; //ERROR. Of course I can't declare this field
    public string type;

I want to deserialize it like


but fields names should match.


  • By using the JsonProperty attribute

    class SuggestionInfoDataOpf
        public string Something {get; set;}

    Or using the prefix "@" before the name of the property. Using it you can name a member the same as a keyword

    class SuggestionInfoDataOpf
        public string @short;

    But IMO the JsonProperty is better, as it allows you to keep to the C# naming guidelines as well as visually separating members from keywords