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how to remove json object from json Array using org.json.simple

I have a JSON file which is an JSON ARRAY with some JSON Objects and I want to remove the entire json Object if the value of longitude or latitude is an empty string "".

I am using the library org.json.simple. Here is my json file:

  [ {       "Longitude": 9.96233,
            "Latitude": 49.80404 },
            "Longitude": 6.11499,
            "Latitude": 50.76891
     {      "Longitude": 6.80592,
            "Latitude": 51.53548
            "Longitude": 9.50523,
            "Latitude": 51.31991   },
            "Longitude": ""
            "Latitude": ""
            "Longitude": 9.93368,
            "Latitude": ""
            "Longitude": 11.56122,
            "Latitude": 48.14496

            "Longitude": 13.34253,
            "Latitude": 52.5319
            "Longitude": 6.11327,
            "Latitude": 50.77715
            "Longitude": ""
            "Latitude": ""

and here's where I am stuck. :

JSONParser jsonParser = new  JSONParser();
try (FileReader reader = new FileReader ("output.json")) {
    Object obj = jsonParser.parse(reader);
    JSONArray list = (JSONArray) obj;
    list.forEach(node -> {
        String vari = (String)((JSONObject)node).get("longitude").toString();            
        if (vari==null) {
            ((JSONObject) node).remove();

Any suggestions how can I change my code ?


  • You need to remove the node from the list but because of concurrent modification problem (modifying the list you are looping) you need another list.

    I think it is easiest to collect into the new list all the nodes that qualify so like:

    public void test() throws Exception {
        JSONParser jsonParser = new JSONParser();
        JSONArray listNonNull = new JSONArray();
        try (FileReader reader = new FileReader("output.json")) {
            JSONArray list = (JSONArray) jsonParser.parse(reader);
            ((Collection<JSONObject>)list).forEach(node -> {
                // here any check that qualifies the node like also checking "Latitude"
                // Also no need to cast to a String
                Object vari = node.get("Longitude");
                if (vari != null && !vari.equals("")) {
        } catch (Exception e) {
            throw e;

    If you wish to use only the original list you can collect items to be removed to an another list and use it to remove nodes from the original list:

    public void test2() throws Exception {
        JSONParser jsonParser = new JSONParser();
        JSONArray toBeRemoved = new JSONArray();
        try (FileReader reader = new FileReader("output.json")) {
            JSONArray list = (JSONArray) jsonParser.parse(reader);
            ((Collection<JSONObject>) list).forEach(node -> {
                Object vari = node.get("Longitude");
                // here any check that qualifies the node like also checking "Latitude"
                if (vari != null && !vari.equals("")) {
                    return; // not to be removed
        } catch (Exception e) {
            throw e;