Is it possible in Shopware 6 to extend plugins with another plugin? I have plugin A from the shopware store, I need to change its functionality a bit, because it does not quite suit me. This plugin overrides core functionality of shopware - ListingPlugin from src / plugin / listing / listing.plugin. I need to get the js file from plugin A from my plugin B or from theme. I didn't find any information on this functionality from documentation
You can extend the plugin like
import ExtendPlugin from './plugin/youtPluignFolder/extend-plugin.plugin';
const PluginManager = window.PluginManager;
PluginManager.override('OrgPlugin', ExtendPlugin);
After register the file you need to create the file. There you can extend or overwrite the function like
import OrgPlugin from '/app/custom/plugins/pluginName/path/to/plugin-file.plugin';
export default class ExtendPlugin extends OrgPlugin {
init() {
// Function you want overwrite or extend
function () {
// your code