I am trying to implement Hangfire into my Application with Mediator.
So I am able to run hangfire easily but I am having trouble on how to setup a time schedule.
So I am thinking of running the job schedule X to Y time period daily and to run Every N minutes. The N will always be divisible by 60 -> 1,2,3,4,5,6,10,12,15,30,60.
So Lets Suppose time is:
X = 8 AM
Y = 6 PM
N = 5
So according to my hangfire job it should run
8:00 AM
8:05 AM
8:10 AM
Also if the program gets closed and it runs at suppose 2:02 PM then it should start to run like this
2:05 PM
2:10 PM
2:15 PM
So Here is my approach for this.
this Cron Expression
0/5 8-18 * * *
This Cron Expression was built by this link
But is this the best way to do it?
So after some research and retires
0/5 9-18 * * mon-fri
This translates to Run Every 5th minute from 9 AM to 6 PM (18) and from Monday to Friday only The above crop job string was successful