For reference, here is the minimal example :
In this example, I have a single problem of template type circularity that, in my view, could be solved in two ways :
a template class and the Event
member pointer a non-template pointer to a template class instance (but how ?)std::any
or something like it to keep the Controller
class non-template (like is shown in the example, but doesn't compile)What is the best way to make this work in a cleanly ?
EDIT : link updated
You cannot fully type erase functor which accept template argument.
But if you know the subset of template argument to handle, std::any
/ std::variant
might help:
In your case non-supported event do no-op, so "your" controller:
template <typename ... Modules>
class Controller {
std::tuple<Modules...> modules;
template<typename evt_t>
void emit(evt_t event) {
std::apply([this](auto&&... args) {((args.dispatch(Event<evt_t>{event, this})), ...);}, modules);
Controller(std::tuple<Modules...> _modules) : modules{_modules}{}
class Controller {
std::function<void(std::any)> func;
template<typename evt_t>
void emit(evt_t event) {
template <typename ... Modules, typename EventTags>
Controller(std::tuple<Modules...> tmodules, EventTags event_tags)
func = [=, this](std::any any_ev){
auto f = [&, this](auto tag){
using EventType = typename decltype(tag)::type;
if (auto* ev = std::any_cast<EventType>(&any_ev)) {
std::apply([=, this](auto&&... modules) {((modules.dispatch(Event<EventType>{*ev, this})), ...);}, tmodules);
std::apply([&f](auto... tags){ (f(tags), ...); }, event_tags);