I am trying to write a simple test where I would like to verify mock call with some runtime variable. At the moment it looks like this:
class Spec extends Specification implements SampleData {
EventBus eventBus = Mock()
Facade facade = new Configuration().facade(eventBus)
def "when the method is called an proper event is emitted"() {
def id = facade.call(sampleData)
1 * eventBus.push(_ as Event)
But what I want to achieve is also to verify if the payload of the event was correct - which means that the event contains the id
, something like this:
1 * eventBus.push(new Event(id))
Is it somehow possible to achieve such verification in Spock?
You can capture the Event
by stubbing the push()
method on the EventBus
def "when the method is called a proper event is emitted"() {
EventBus eventBus = Mock()
Facade facade = new Configuration().facade(eventBus)
Event received
def id = facade.call(sampleData)
1 * eventBus.push(_ as Event) >> { Event event -> received = event }
received.id == id