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What language is accepted by idris-proof-script-mode?

In Emacs, with idris-mode 20200522.808, when I load the file using C-c C-l, I'm presented with a list of holes, and the message "Press the [P] buttons to solve the holes interactively in the prover."

The prover consists of two windows, *idris-proof-obligations* and *idris-proof-script*. But I can't figure out how this is supposed to work. I tried typing in the same sort of terms I would use in the command-line prover, like intro `{{x}} and rewriteWith mylemma, but when I type M-n to "advance", I got these error messages:

Prover error: (input):1:7:
1 | intro ‘{{n}}
  |       ^
unexpected ’‘’
expecting end of input or name

Prover error: (input):1:8:
1 | rewriteWith sym (fibAuxEq 0 1 n)
  |        ^
unexpected ’W’
expecting tactic

What should I be doing instead?


  • It accepts proof tactics in the language of the old theorem prover, which is deprecated.