I am developing app in which I am showing attendance of students in a monthly manner with help of table. I have array of attendance values as'p' and 'a' and applied logic to show colors accordingly. I am creating a tableRow and TextView elements from java file. like the image here:
I want to show the days of month as 1,2,3,... upto last day. But the image is showing the numbers in reverse order. Here is the java code I am using to get that views.
int daysCounter = 0;
for(int j=0; j<5; j++) {
TableLayout tableLayout = (TableLayout)findViewById(R.id.tl);
TableRow tableRow = new TableRow(AttendanceActivity.this);
TableRow.LayoutParams layoutParams = new TableRow.LayoutParams(TableRow.LayoutParams.WRAP_CONTENT);
//days variable contains the no. of days in that month
for (int i=0; i<7 && daysCounter<days; i++) {
TextView textView1 = new TextView(AttendanceActivity.this);
textView1.setText("" + (daysCounter+1));
tableRow.addView(textView1, 0);
//setColor() method sets color according to values
//arr is an array of attendance values
switch (setColor(arr[daysCounter])) {
case "red":
case "green":
As seen in the code, the loop is quite straightforward. I am not getting why the numbers are printing as reverse and How to fix them. Please help. Working from long time on this.
you need to change the index of item while adding into tableRow
Replace the code
tableRow.addView(textView1, 0);
tableRow.addView(textView1, i);
I have checked this in the sample app, it is working. let me know it working or not. Thanks