There is a loop used in my code, for which coverity is throwing the error -
Infinite loop, loop_bound_type_mismatch: Loop bound someArray.length has type int, which is wider in size or has a bigger upper bound than the type short of loop counter shortTypeVariable, the loop condition may always be true.
This is a sample code for which this error is thrown :
short shortTypeVariable = 0;
while(shortTypeVariable < someArray.length)
{//some work}
I am not able to figure in which condition it can run indefinitely. I know its not right condition to match but when it can be wrong and can run indefinitely.
It is easy to show what the explanation means...
Change the loop to have: (33000 assumes a large array length, wider than short)
while (shortTypeVariable < 33000)
System.out.println("" + shortTypeVariable);
... then run it to see what happens. The data range of short is -32,768 to 32,767. After 32,767 is reached, the short overflows to -32,768 and keeps going... up to 0, and continues up to 32767 where the overflow happens again in a continuous cycle.
That is the possible infinite loop potential, as 33000 can never be reached because the int range (2,147,483,648 to 2,147,483,647) is wider than the short range.