In a .NET Core
application, using the Boilerplate framework
I use repositories for data access:
await _licenseRepository.InsertAsync(license);
But in a method I need to do two inserts in two different tables, and then do the relationship:
public async Task Insert(License license, LicenseRenewal licenseRenewal)
var l = await _licenseRepository.InsertAsync(license);
var lr = await _licenseRenewalRepository.InsertAsync(licenseRenewal);
await AssignRenewal(l.Id, lr.Id);
The problem is that when I do the Insert I do not get the IDs of the new data and so it fails to do the AssignRenewal
How do I get the ID of the inserted data? states:
"[...] The InsertAndGetId method returns the Id of a newly inserted entity.[...]"
So you should try
Task<TPrimaryKey> InsertAndGetIdAsync(TEntity entity);