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remove leaf nodes from data

I'm making a circle packing and there are too many nodes in the graphic, so I'm trying to reduce the amount of nodes by removing the leaf nodes.

The data I get from the api is a json object that looks like this:

    Children: [], 
    Label: "some str", 
    Value: some int, 

I am trying to make a function that loops through the data and if the object has no children it gets removed. Here is what I'm on

function removeLeaves(data){
let keys = Object.entries(data);
for(let [name,obj] of keys){
    if(name == "Children"){
        if((<Array<any>>obj).length > 0){
            for(let child of (<Array<any>>obj)){

            data = {}; //delete object


but since data is not a reference type the changes aren't saved. Can anyone help me with this? I'm trying to do something similar to the c# removeLeaves(ref data)

Or is there a way I can remove the leaves in the pack method

var pack = data => d3.pack()
    .size([width, height])
    (d3.hierarchy(data, d => d.Children)
     //here some kind of filtering
    .sum(d => {            
        return d.Value;
    .sort((a, b) => b.value - a.value));


  • I would choose an approach that recursively/programmatically builds the desired data structure instead of mutating the existing input-data by deleting the not needed properties ...

    // {Children: [], Label: "some str", Value: some int, Properties:[] }
    const data = {
      Label: "root_with_children",
      Value: 1,
      Properties: ["foo", "bar"],
      Children: [{
        Label: "level_1_without_children",
        Value: 2,
        Properties: ["foo", "bar"],
        Children: []
      }, {
        Label: "level_1_with_children",
        Value: 3,
        Properties: ["foo", "bar"],
        Children: [{
          Label: "level_2_without_children",
          Value: 4,
          Properties: ["foo", "bar"],
          Children: []
        }, {
          Label: "level_2_with_children",
          Value: 5,
          Properties: ["foo", "bar"],
          Children: [{
            Label: "level_3_without_children",
            Value: 6,
            Properties: ["foo", "bar"],
            Children: []
    function isNonEmtyArray(type) {
      return (Array.isArray(type) && (type.length >= 1));
    function collectItemsWithChildrenOnly(list, item) {
      const { Children } = item;
      if (isNonEmtyArray(Children)) {
        const copy = Object.assign({}, item, { Children: [] });
        Children.reduce(collectItemsWithChildrenOnly, copy.Children);
      return list;
    let test;
    test = [data].reduce(collectItemsWithChildrenOnly, []);
    console.log('1st run :: test : ', test);
    test = test.reduce(collectItemsWithChildrenOnly, []);
    console.log('2nd run :: test : ', test);
    test = test.reduce(collectItemsWithChildrenOnly, []);
    console.log('3rd run :: test : ', test);
    test = test.reduce(collectItemsWithChildrenOnly, []);
    console.log('4th run :: test : ', test);
    test = test.reduce(collectItemsWithChildrenOnly, []);
    console.log('countercheck :: test : ', test);
    .as-console-wrapper { min-height: 100%!important; top: 0; }