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wrting to csv file in c++ fails

Im working with this code which is supposed to detect faces. The code works totally fine, but as soon as I try to insert three lines for writing to csv file, it breaks down with lengthy error of some 100+ lines -ERROR FILE LOG.

This code was taken from :-

// Header file for Face-Recognition/Detection
#include "shunyaface.h"
#include "opencv2/opencv.hpp"
#include <bits/stdc++.h>
#include "fstream"
using namespace std;
using namespace cv;

int main(int argc, char** argv){
    // Create instance of class FaceRec
    std::ofstream filename("test.csv");
    filename<< "TESTING CSV WRITE";

    FaceRec facerec;
    Mat frame;
    Mat frame2;
    clock_t start, end; //This will hold the start and end-time
    int count = 0; //Variable which hold the number of frames elapsed
    VideoCapture cap(0);
        // Capture a frame          
        cap >> frame;
// Pass the frame to the detect function which will return the frame with a bounding-box on the face and points on the lips and eyes
        frame2 = facerec.detect(frame); 
        count++; //Increment count
        // Display the frame to the user
        imshow("face-detect", frame2);
        if(waitKey(1) == 'q')
    time(&end); // Stop the time
    cout<< "Output FPS is:"<<count/(end-start)<<endl; //Display Output-FPS
    return 0;

So basically as shown above,after inclusion of these lines the code is breaking :-

std::ofstream filename("test.csv");
filename<< "TESTING CSV WRITE";


  • You forget to end this line cout<< "In while"<<.

    Somewhere in your code is this snippet

    out<< "In while"<<
    // Capture a frame
    cap >> frame;

    You should try to fix error from top to bottom. The first error is regarding cout, operator<< and cv::VideoCapture cap.