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Which username and password should I use for Amazon Keyspaces (managed Cassandra)?

I am unable to connect to AWS Keyspaces using .NET Core due to an authentication error:

AuthenticationException 'Provided username nick and/or password are incorrect')

I am not sure what values I should give to PlainTextAuthProvider.

I have tried using:

  • My AWS Console credentials
  • AWS access key / secret key pair

How do I generate credentials for AWS Keyspaces?

My code, in case it is relevant:

open System
open Cassandra

let main argv = 
  async {    
    let cluster =
        .WithAuthProvider(PlainTextAuthProvider ("username", "password123"))

    use! session =
      cluster.ConnectAsync ()
      |> Async.AwaitTask

  |> Async.RunSynchronously



  • The option is found in the IAM section.

    Naviagate to:

    • "Services" drop-down
    • Click "Identity and Access Management (IAM)"
    • Open the "Users" tab
    • Click on You username
    • Open the "Security credentials" tab
    • Scroll to the "Credentials for Amazon Keyspaces" section
    • Click "Generate Credentials"

    enter image description here

    This will show a pop-up where you can generate credentials.

    Additionally, the code should specify a Keyspace:

    open System
    open Cassandra
    let main argv = 
      async {    
        let cluster =
            .WithAuthProvider(PlainTextAuthProvider ("username", "password123"))
        use! session =
          cluster.ConnectAsync "test_keyspace"
          |> Async.AwaitTask
      |> Async.RunSynchronously