i've written an api in aws sam lambda function node x20.
this api is responsible for login into the user and return me the response.
while at cold start it look 6 seconds, after that it took 3 seconds (average) to return the response.
what i want??i want that, the time to return the response should be less than 2 seconds. what can i do.
export const loginHandler = catchTryAsyncErrors(async (event) => {
const headers = generateCorsHeaders();
const DB = await DBConn();
const requestBody = JSON.parse(event.body);
await loginValidation.validate(requestBody, { abortEarly: false });
const { password, email, platform = "CLIENT" } = requestBody;
let response, error;
const user = await DB.collection("users").findOne({
email: email.toLowerCase(),
isAccCreated: true,
role: platform === "CLIENT" ? "Client" : "Admin",
if (!user) {
error = new HTTPError("The email address was not found.", StatusCodes.NOT_FOUND);
return {
statusCode: StatusCodes.NOT_FOUND,
body: JSON.stringify(error),
const passwordMatch = await bcryptjs.compare(password, user.password);
if (!passwordMatch) {
error = new HTTPError("The password entered is incorrect.", StatusCodes.CONFLICT);
return {
statusCode: StatusCodes.CONFLICT,
body: JSON.stringify(error),
user.password = undefined;
if (user["status"] === "Blocked") {
error = new HTTPError("This user account has been blocked by the administrator.", StatusCodes.CONFLICT);
return {
statusCode: StatusCodes.CONFLICT,
body: JSON.stringify(error),
if (user.role === "Admin") {
const logData = {
ip: event?.requestContext?.identity?.sourceIp,
user: new ObjectId(user?._id),
activity: "ADMIN_LOGIN",
msg: `${user?.userName} login into Admin Site`,
createdAt: new Date(),
updatedAt: new Date(),
await DB.collection("logs").insertOne(logData);
const token = await getJWTToken({ _id: user["_id"], role: user["role"] });
// const userWallet = await DB.collection("userwallets").findOne({
// _id: user?.userWallet,
// });
response = new HTTPResponse("Login successful.", {
user: { ...user },
return {
statusCode: StatusCodes.OK,
body: JSON.stringify(response),
Type: AWS::Serverless::Function
CodeUri: login/
Handler: app.loginHandler
Runtime: nodejs20.x
MemorySize: 3072
- x86_64
MONGODB_URL: "mongodb://localhost:27017/10D"
DB_NAME: "10D"
JWT_SECRET: "awsSamLambdafunction2024node20jsX"
Type: Api
Path: /api/user/login
Method: post
SamResourceId: LoginFunction
i've increased the MemorySize of login function to 1024, still no performance upgradation.
Have you tried timing the different parts of your lambda ? I suspect that the DB connection and request might take a significant amount of time.
You should at least move the DB connection initialization outside of your handler so that it is only executed once per cold-start, and not on every subsequent warm start.