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CSS: How to fade text from top and bottom?

I need to fade paragraph from both top and bottom. But am able to fade from only either of the side.


<p className="bottom-overflow-fade">


.bottom-overflow-fade {
  mask-image: linear-gradient(to bottom, black 80%, transparent 100%);
  -webkit-mask-image: linear-gradient(to bottom, black 80%, transparent 100%);

.top-overflow-fade {
  mask-image: linear-gradient(to top, black 80%, transparent 100%);
  -webkit-mask-image: linear-gradient(to top, black 80%, transparent 100%);

Current Result:

enter image description here


If I add both these classnames to the paragraph, the fade won’t work. If I use either one of them, then the fade works perfectly either for top and bottom. Is it possible to combine both these CSS properties in one, so that both the top and bottom fade works?

Note: I am not talking about any animation.


  • This is because of the nature of CSS. If you apply two declarations for the same property only one will preside! You can create a single class with a different linear gradient that starts transparent goes to black then ends transparent such as:

    .top-bottom-overflow-fade {
      mask-image: linear-gradient(transparent, black 20%, black 80%, transparent 100%);
      -webkit-mask-image: linear-gradient(transparent, black 20%, black 80%, transparent 100%);


    The question posed in the comments asks what the values are that are passed to the linear-gradient function:

    1. The first argument is an optional value that controls the direction of the gradient. This can be described using some keywords (such as to left top or to right) or with an angle of rotation. In CSS the units used to express angles can be in the form of deg (degrees), turn, rad (radians), or grad (gradians). The default direction is from top to bottom if none is supplied. Note that I didn't include this so the default direction is used.
    2. The remaining arguments are a list of colors and optional values for where the color should start and stop called color stops. You may use as many color stops as you wish. The more color stops you have the narrower each 'band' of color will become. A color stop list without any 'hints', or start and stop points, will have a smooth transition from one color to the next because it will apply the color start and stop points uniformly. If you want an abrupt transition from one color to the next, you would set the stopping percentage of the first color to the same value as the starting percentage of the next color. Some clever and artistic people produce amazing patterns with CSS gradients by taking advantage of the background-image property's ability to stack multiple images (gradients are treated as background-images not background-colors)!