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ApiResponses is confusing Swagger-UI output to not find the "type"

I am not really a java developer (I was one 15 years ago) but I am trying to freshen my knowledge to be more valuable in those projects. I am attempting to incorporate swagger-ui into a basic rest springboot app. I am getting the following error:

Unknown Type: CustomerVisit

I have the following controller defined:

package controller;

import static org.springframework.web.bind.annotation.RequestMethod.GET;

public class ScenarioController {

    ScenarioService scenarioService;

    @RequestMapping(value = "scenario/{scenarioIdStr}", method = GET)
        @ApiResponse(responseCode="200", description="request accepted, scenario returned", content=@Content(schema=@Schema(type="CustomerVisit"))),
        @ApiResponse(responseCode="202", description="request accepted, no scenario available to return"),
        @ApiResponse(responseCode="400", description="request not accepted, invalid input")
    public ResponseEntity<?> getCustomerVisitByScenarioId(@PathVariable String scenarioIdStr) {

        try {
            int scenarioId = Integer.valueOf(scenarioIdStr);
            List<CustomerVisit> customerList = scenarioService.getScenarioById(scenarioId);

            if (customerList.size() > 0) {
                return new ResponseEntity<>(customerList, HttpStatus.OK);
            return new ResponseEntity<>(customerList, HttpStatus.ACCEPTED);
        } catch (NumberFormatException e) {
            return new ResponseEntity<>( "Scenario ID must be integer.", HttpStatus.BAD_REQUEST);

and the CustomerVisit bean as

package bean;
@Schema(name="CustomerVisit", description="A model of a customer")
public class CustomerVisit {
  public CustomerVisit(/* cut */) {
     /* cut - constructing class */      

  /* cut getters */

The swagger-ui comes up and for other methods where I am not trying to provide ApiResponses in the documentation everything works. Once I add the ApiResponses things start to fall apart. IF i do not add the @Content annotation the ui describes the response types as {}. If I add the name of the type as tagged in the bean - it says the type is unknown. I haven't been able to find documentation to guide me on this was hoping to get a nudge in the right direction.

There look to be answers for older versions...


  • Update working but ugly approach

    1. added static class that extends ArrayList
    2. expose that

    such that

    public static class CustomerVisitList extends ArrayList<CustomerVisit> {}


    @RequestMapping(value = "scenario/{scenarioIdStr}", method = GET)
            @ApiResponse(responseCode="200", description="request accepted, scenario returned", content=@Content(schema=@Schema(implementation = CustomerVisitList.class))),
            @ApiResponse(responseCode="202", description="request accepted, no scenario available to return"),
            @ApiResponse(responseCode="400", description="request not accepted, invalid input")

    Is there a better way?

    This seems to be a step in the right direction (it is not right) - but it should really return a list back:

    @RequestMapping(value = "scenario/{scenarioIdStr}", method = GET)
        @ApiResponse(responseCode="200", description="request accepted, scenario returned", content=@Content(schema=@Schema(implementation = CustomerVisit.class))),
        @ApiResponse(responseCode="202", description="request accepted, no scenario available to return"),
        @ApiResponse(responseCode="400", description="request not accepted, invalid input")