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How does one program to an interface/supertypes in C++?

I'm reading the book Head First Design Patterns and am also trying to learn C++. In the book it says to program to an interface/supertype instead of programming to an implementation and the authros give this java example:

//programming to implementation
Dog d = new Dog();
//programming to an interface/supertype (here Animal)
Animal animal = new Dog();

To do the same in C++ would you use an abstract class or generic programming? And how exactly would that look like?

Thanks for any help!


  • Disclaimer: Translating Java code/patterns/best practices directly to C++ leads you to a world of pain.

    Java has interfaces. What comes closest to that in C++ is an abstract base class:

    struct Animal {
        virtual void makeSound() const = 0;   // <- pure virtual, ie no implementation in Animal
        virtual ~Animal() = default;
    struct Dog : Animal {
        void bark() const { std::cout << "Moo"; }
        void makeSound() const override {  bark(); }
    //programming to implementation
    Dog d;                            // C++ has values, not everything is a reference like in Java
    //programming to an interface/supertype (here Animal)
    std::shared_ptr<Animal> animal = std::make_shared<Dog>();  // Use smart pointers, not raw ones
                                                               // and don't use new in C++

    Whether you could do this also with templates is difficult / impossible to answer, because this is nothing more than an example to illustrate the use of an interface / abstract base class and thats the only requirement.

    As has been pointed out in a comment, patterns do not exist for their own sake, but to aid development. Once you tackle real problems and you have some familiarity with patterns you will notice when a certain problem requires the use of a pattern.