I want to enable the 'ReaderMode' for paning/scrolling my control in .Net. Closest thing I found was this Win API function http://msdn.microsoft.com/en-us/library/bb775599(VS.85).aspx. However, I'm not sure how to call this one, in the documentation it says,
Note This function is not declared in any public header. To use it, you must access it as ordinal 383 from Comctl32.dll.
I've never called a function that didn't have a name before, can anyone describe how to do this in VB.Net?
Well you should try:
<DllImport("Comctl32.dll", EntryPoint:="#383", _
CallingConvention:=CallingConvention.StdCall)> _
to specify a function by its ordinal. You should also pass the structure, but I suppose you know how to proceed.