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Wrap matrix multiplication with operator* overload

I have been trying to wrap a matrix c++ class to be called in python. I would like to be able to call the matrix multiplication using the rich multiply operator (ie. m1 * m2) but so far have only managed to bind a function m3 = multiply(m1, m2) which from python i was able to get the same functionality with a derived class:

class mat4(mylib.mat4):
    def __init__(self):
    def __mul__(self, other):
        return multiply(self, other)

But I would prefer a cleaner pass through from C++ only, if anyone has any suggestions, thank you.


  • So, I was trying to wrap a glm::mat4::operator*(...) which didn't exist. Here is the prototype:

    GLM_FUNC_DECL mat<4, 4, T, Q> operator*(mat<4, 4, T, Q> const& m, T const& s); which takes two mat4 arguments and returns a mat4.

    So the solution looked something like this:

    struct custom_deleter {
        glm::mat4 operator()(glm::mat4* m) {
            return *m;
    glm::mat4* mul_mat4(glm::mat4 const &mat1, glm::mat4 const &mat2) {
        glm::mat4* tmp = new glm::mat4();
        *tmp = glm::operator*(mat1, mat2);
        // create unique_ptr to manage memory to ensure memory
        // is properly cleaned up
        std::unique_ptr<glm::mat4, custom_deleter> _m( tmp );
        return _m.get();

    which could then be bound in BOOST_PYTHON_MODULE() with:

    python::class_<glm::mat4, boost::shared_ptr<glm::mat4>, boost::noncopyable>("mat4", python::no_init)
    .def("__init__", python::make_constructor(&make_mat4))
    .def("__mul__", &mul_mat4, python::return_value_policy<python::manage_new_object>())

    Here is a complete example:

    #include <boost/python.hpp>
    #include <boost/make_shared.hpp>
    #include <glm/glm.hpp>
    #include <glm/gtx/string_cast.hpp>
    struct vec3Wrap : glm::vec3, boost::python::wrapper<glm::vec3>
        vec3Wrap(float x, float y, float z): glm::vec3(x, y, z) {}
        vec3Wrap(float a): glm::vec3(a, a, a) {}
        vec3Wrap(): glm::vec3(){}
    struct custom_deleter_vec {
        glm::vec3 operator()(glm::vec3* f){
            return *f;
    glm::vec3* mul_vec3(glm::vec3 const &v1, float const &f) {
        glm::vec3* tmp = new glm::vec3();
        *tmp = glm::operator*(v1, f);
        std::unique_ptr<glm::vec3, custom_deleter_vec> _v( tmp );
        return _v.get();
    glm::vec3* add_vec3(glm::vec3 const &v1, glm::vec3 const &v2) {
        glm::vec3* tmp = new glm::vec3();
        *tmp = glm::operator+(v1, v2);
        std::unique_ptr<glm::vec3, custom_deleter_vec> _v( tmp );
        return _v.get();
    boost::shared_ptr<glm::vec3> make_vec3(float x, float y, float z)
        return boost::make_shared<glm::vec3>(x, y, z);
    struct custom_deleter {
        glm::mat4 operator()(glm::mat4* m) {
            return *m;
    glm::mat4* mul_mat4(glm::mat4 const &mat1, glm::mat4 const &mat2) {
        glm::mat4* tmp = new glm::mat4();
        *tmp = glm::operator*(mat1, mat2);
        std::unique_ptr<glm::mat4, custom_deleter> _m( tmp );
        return _m.get();
    std::string print_mat4(glm::mat4 const &m) {
        return glm::to_string(m);
    boost::shared_ptr<glm::mat4> make_mat4(float m)
        return boost::make_shared<glm::mat4>(m);
    glm::mat4* _lookAt (glm::vec3 const &eye, glm::vec3 const &center, glm::vec3 const &up)
        glm::mat4 *tmp = new glm::mat4();
        *tmp = glm::lookAt(eye, center, up);
        std::unique_ptr<glm::mat4, custom_deleter> m( tmp );
        return m.get();
    glm::mat4* _perspective(float const &fovy, float const &aspect, float const &near, float const &far)
        glm::mat4 *tmp = new glm::mat4();
        *tmp = glm::perspective(fovy, aspect, near, far);
        std::unique_ptr<glm::mat4, custom_deleter> m( tmp );
        return m.get();
    int main() {
        return 0;
        namespace python = boost::python;
        python::class_<glm::mat4, boost::shared_ptr<glm::mat4>, boost::noncopyable>("mat4", python::no_init)
        .def("__init__", python::make_constructor(&make_mat4))
        .def("__mul__", &mul_mat4, python::return_value_policy<python::manage_new_object>())
        .def("__str__", &print_mat4);
        python::def("perspective", _perspective, python::return_value_policy<python::manage_new_object>());
        python::def("lookAt", _lookAt, python::return_value_policy<python::manage_new_object>());
        python::class_<glm::vec3, boost::shared_ptr<glm::vec3>, boost::noncopyable>("vec3", python::no_init)
        .def("__init__", python::make_constructor(&make_vec3));
        // .def("__mul__", &mul_vec3, python::return_value_policy<python::manage_new_object>())
        // .def("__imul__", &mul_vec3, python::return_value_policy<python::manage_new_object>())
        // .def("__add__", &add_vec3, python::return_value_policy<python::manage_new_object>())
        // .def("__str__", &print_vec3)
        // .def_readwrite("x", &vec3::x)
        // .def_readwrite("y", &vec3::y)
        // .def_readwrite("z", &vec3::z);

    Which can allow for some pretty neat stuff on the Python side:

    from example import mat4, perspective, lookAt, vec3
    model = mat4(1.0)
    view = lookAt(vec3(0.0, 0.0, 0.0), vec3(0.0, 0.0, -5.0), vec3(0.0, 1.0, 0.0))
    projection = perspective(view, 800, 600, 0.1, 1000.0)
    MVP = projection * view * model