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Python Time zone: get abbreviation and UTC offset

my time zone is "Australia/Melbourne" (I have multiple zones like this when I give this to my function) and I need the output like this ASET(GMT +10). How can I reach my answer?

Thank you


  • assuming you have date and time available (see my comment), the easiest way is probably strftime:

    from datetime import datetime
    from dateutil import tz
    timezone = tz.gettz("Australia/Melbourne")
    dt =
    # AEST(GMT+1000)

    If you exactly want to get the specified output, I suppose you have to go a little more sophisticated:

    total_minutes, seconds = divmod(dt.utcoffset().total_seconds(), 60)
    hours, minutes = divmod(total_minutes, 60)
    utcoff = f"{int(hours):+d}:{int(minutes):02d}" if minutes else f"{int(hours):+d}"
    # AEST(GMT+10)