I want to custom delete action admin class with overwrite function delete in admin.py , but it dosn't work ! this is the error : Post with ID “<django.db.models.query_utils.DeferredAttribute object at 0x0000020BF060A450>” doesn’t exist. Perhaps it was deleted?
I read and used this code at following site but it wasn't work:
class PostAdmin(admin.ModelAdmin):
list_display = ('delete',)
def delete(self, obj):
view_name = "admin:{}_{}_delete".format(obj._meta.app_label, obj._meta.model_name)
link = reverse(view_name, args=[Post.id])
html = '<input type="button" onclick="location.href=\'{}\'" value="Delete" />'.format(link)
return format_html(html)
Use obj.id
, not :Post.id
class PostAdmin(admin.ModelAdmin):
list_display = ('delete',)
def delete(self, obj):
view_name = 'admin:{}_{}_delete'.format(
obj._meta.app_label, obj._meta.model_name
link = reverse(view_name, args=[obj.id])
return format_html(
'<input type="button" onclick="location.href=\'{}\'" value="Delete" />',