I have alphanumeric values in 2 groups of values, on 2 different tabs:
I have the A value and the G value, and I need the value associated with each of them that is repeated in both groups (D). Someone who dominates QUERY
maybe can help me.
=FILTER({A2:B; D2:E}, COUNTIF({B2:B; D2:D}, {B2:B; D2:D})>1)
IFNA(VLOOKUP('Page 1'!C2:C, 'Page 2'!C2:D, 2, 0)),
IFNA(VLOOKUP('Page 1'!C2:C, 'Page 2'!C2:D, 1, 0))},
"where Col2 is not null", 0), 2, 0)))