I've this data, but my problem is to concatenate the information into lines, cause works on the way
First will the the COl A til COl D to filter where we have mismatches between A and D, but also take where on Col D has text. But I already build this part.
And do the same with the Col E til Col H.
2020-04-30 BA BU fsdf 2020-04-30 G X
2020-04-30 BU BA 2020-04-30 L Z
2020-04-29 BA BU 2020-04-29 H W
2020-04-29 BU BA 2020-04-29 G Q dfdf
2020-04-28 BA BU sdfsdfs 2020-04-28 L W dfdf
2020-04-28 AA BA 2020-04-28 H AA
2020-04-25 AA BA 2020-04-25 G X fd
2020-04-22 BU BA sdfsdfs 2020-04-22 L Z
2020-04-19 AA BU 2020-04-19 H W d
2020-04-19 AA BA 2020-04-19 G Q
2020-03-27 BA AA sdfsdf 2020-03-27 L W
2020-03-27 BA AA 2020-03-27 H AA dfdf
2020-03-26 BU AA 2020-03-26 G X
2020-03-18 BA AA 2020-03-18 L Z
2020-03-18 AA BU 2020-03-18 H W
My problem is cause I want to the same from Col E til Col H but pasting below the previous information. I'd like to have on this way:
2020-04-30 BA BU fsdf
2020-04-28 BA BU sdfsdfs
2020-04-22 BU BA sdfsdfs
2020-03-27 BA AA sdfsdf
2020-04-29 G Q dfdf
2020-04-28 L W dfdf
2020-04-25 G X fd
2020-04-19 H W d
2020-03-27 H AA dfdf
I alreaby built the script in two ways but I cound't do on a way that I can concatenate or do something like that.
query(importrange("xx","Database!$A:$AA50"),"SELECT Col1,Col4 WHERE (Col2<>Col3 and Col4 is not null)")
=QUERY({IMPORTRANGE("xx", "Database!A:D");
IMPORTRANGE("xx", "Database!E:H")},
"select Col1,Col4
where Col2<>Col3
and Col4 is not null", 0)