I want to count the number for records that are satisfying the conditions
There are 400 records in table and table consist of employee_name and employee_salary and I want to find the count of employees who are having salary less than 20K and count of employees who are having salary greater than 20K. I have tried few things like we can achieve using criteriaBuilder.selectCase() but i am not able to find exact solution.
Thanks for the help
It may be more convenient to use native query in the JPA repository:
public interface EmployeeRepository extends CrudRepository<Employee, Integer> {
@Query(nativeQuery = true,
value = "SELECT (CASE WHEN e.salary < :minLimit THEN 'Low' ELSE 'High' END) isLow, COUNT(*) "
+ "FROM employee e GROUP BY isLow")
List<Object[]> calcStats(@Param("minLimit") Integer minLimit);
Then this method can be invoked via autowired repository:
.forEach(e -> System.out.printf("%s - %d%n", e[0], e[1]));
If it's required to return 0 always, the query needs to be updated:
SELECT salary_types.salary_type, COALESCE(sum(stats.cc), 0) cc
SELECT CASE WHEN salary < :minLimit THEN 'low' ELSE 'high' END isLow, COUNT(*) cc
FROM employee e
GROUP BY isLow) stats
SELECT salary_type
FROM (VALUES ('high'), ('low'))
) salary_types ON stats.isLow = salary_types.salary_type
GROUP BY salary_types.salary_type;
For PostgreSQL it is possible to join on this shorter variant
RIGHT JOIN (SELECT UNNEST(ARRAY['high', 'low']) salary_type) salary_types