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Is it possible to implement Many-To-Many association on the same entity/table using ecto

I have a User table with a unique primary key, and would like to setup a many-to-many association to another User entity in order to achieve a "social network" kind of thing. From this Many-to-many on same table i understand this is possible, but how can i structure the ecto schema for the same?

Currently using a join_through as described here with a schema with some extra fields to further define the association such as a flag blocked in case a user blocks another, but i had an issue setting up the has_many on the join table since both scenarios point to the same User schema. till i began to wonder whether this is really possible with ecto.


  • It is surely possible, you just need to instruct Ecto how to get to the respective fields.

    For migrations

    create table(:users) do
      add(:name, :string)
    create table(:friendship) do
      add(:me_id, references("users"))
      add(:friend_id, references("users"))

    And the respective schemas

    schema "users" do
      field(:name, :string)
      many_to_many(:users, User,
        join_through: "friendship",
        join_keys: [me_id: :id, friend_id: :id]
      schema "friendship" do
        field(:me_id, :integer)
        field(:friend_id, :integer)

    You might do the following

    iex|1> Repo.insert! %User{name: "john"}
    iex|2> Repo.insert! %User{name: "mary"}
    iex|3> Repo.insert! %Friendship{me_id: 1, friend_id: 2}

    Resulting in

    iex|4> u in User, 
    ...|4>   where: [id: 1], preload: [:users])
      __meta__: #Ecto.Schema.Metadata<:loaded, "users">,
      id: 1,
      name: "john",
      users: [
          __meta__: #Ecto.Schema.Metadata<:loaded, "users">,
          id: 2,
          name: "mary",
          users: #Ecto.Association.NotLoaded<association :users is not loaded>