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No implicits found for parameter evidence$2: BodyWritable[Map[String, Object]]

Working on play ws and have to prepare request param as {"initVideoUploadParams": {"videoMetadataParams":{"metadata":{"name":"","description":""}}}} . Tried the solution given in the link but didn't worked as my case is not similar to that question. Below is the code snippet

                        .post(Map("initVideoUploadParams" -> InitVideoUploadParams(fileName,fileName)))

And the case class

case class InitVideoUploadParams(name:String,desc:String)

object InitVideoUploadParams {

  implicit object InitVideoUploadParamsWrites {
    def writes(name:String,desc:String): JsObject = Json.obj(
      "videoMetadataParams" -> VideoMetadataParams(Utils.createVideoParamsMap(name,desc)).metadata
    )   } }

case class VideoMetadataParams(metadata: Map[String, String])

object VideoMetadataParams {   implicit object VideoMetadataParamsWrites {
    def writes(metadata:Map[String,String]): JsObject = Json.obj(
      "metadata" -> metadata
    )   } }

Gone through the play documentation but not able to implement. Help me to understand what is wrong with my code.


  • You're trying to POST a value of type Map[String, InitVideoUploadParams] with Play-WS. In order for Play to know how to serialize that type to JSON, there needs to be an object of type Writes[InitVideoUploadParams] in the implicit scope. Apparently you were trying to do that with those implicit objects, but you need to extend Writes for that to work:

    import play.api.libs.json.Writes
    object InitVideoUploadParams {
      implicit object InitVideoUploadParamsWrites extends Writes[InitVideoUploadParams] {
        def writes(o: InitVideoUploadParams): JsValue = {
          ??? // implementation goes here

    But it's a bit simpler to instead use the methods on the Writes companion object:

    import play.api.libs.json.Writes
    object InitVideoUploadParams {
      implicit val writes: Writes[InitVideoUploadParams] = Writes { o =>
        ??? //implementation goes here