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How can I design a database for ordering food as a waiter

I have these tables:

 User (Username PK, password)
    Order (OrderId PK,date,nettotal,userid FK_User_Order)
    FoodItem(FoodID PK,Price)
    OrderDetails(DetailId PK,OrderId FK_Order_OrderDetails,FoodID FK_Food_OrderDetails,quantity,totalsum)

OrderDetails have the details when a user is ordering food, with each row representing one of the items.

Per example:

If a user ordered 2 pizzas (Food Id=1) and 1 burger (FoodId=2) I would expect my OrderDetails to be filled with 2 rows like this:

1st row: DetailID=1,OrderId=1,FoodId=1,quantity=2,price=500
2nd row: DetailID=1,OrderId=1,FoodId=2,quantity=1,price=250

I need them to have the same OrderId so I can know they belong to one order, but if it is the first time there is no rows in the Order table. How can I design this so they create an order row like this:



  • This is psuedo SQL here, but what you need is the OUTPUT clause when you perform the INSERT. If we assume you have scalar parameters for the order itself and a table type parameter for the food items, then you're SQL is going to look a little like this:

    DECLARE @Order table (OrderID int)
    INSERT INTO dbo.OrderTable (OrderDate, UserID) --NetTotal shouldn't really be stroed, as it can be derived from the order details
    OUTPUT inserted.OrderID
    INTO @Order (OrderID)
    INSERT INTO dbo.OrderItems (ItemID, OrderID, Quantity)
    SELECT I.ItemID,
    FROM @Items I --YOur table type parameter
         CROSS JOIN @Order O;