I'm trying to refresh a Shuttle
Item whenever a Select List
item is modified.
What I've done so far:
I have an item P1_MY_LIST
which is a list of value. And I have a P1_MY_SHUTTLE
which is populated by this query :
SELECT a, b FROM my_table WHERE col1 = :P1_MY_LIST;
Then I created a Change event on P1_MY_LIST
which contain a TRUE Event
set to Refresh the P1_MY_SHUTTLE
Yet, nothing happens when I select something in my P1_MY_LIST
Anyone knows what I'm doing wrong ?
For refreshing a shuttle based on a selected value in a select list, you're better off using the legacy "Cascading List of Values" attribute.
In your case: On page item P1_MY_SHUTTLE, set "Cascading List Of Value" > "Parent Item" to P1_MY_LIST. That should do it.
If for some reason that does not work in your case you can do a dynamic action but there is caveat. There is no option to submit the selected value to the server so your select list will not use the newly selected P1_MY_LIST. As a result it looks as if it is not refreshing, but actually it is.You can work around that by
That will ensure that P1_MY_LIST gets picked up when the query is executed again and it will show the correct values in your shuttle.