So for instance the log I need to break apart is something like this
"01234567895467894ACCP 844" Where 0123456789 is phone number, 5467894 mandate number, ACCP is the type of mandate but for instance could be 6 long so it gets 2 spaces afterward. 844 some other number. What I need to do is separate the line based on character number. Which will always be constant.
So Something like %{CHAR 0-10:Phonenumber)%{CHAR 11-18:Mandate}%{CHAR 19-24:Type}
Is there someway to do this using groks? I tried looking but did not find anything like it.
The following regular expression based grok expression allows you to capture what you expect:
You'd get this:
"Phonenumber": "0123456789",
"Mandate": "5467894",
"Type": "ACCP ",
"Other": "844"