I have a javascript service that adds a country to a list in a postgresql database. Everything works fine but when I pull up the network tab in the chrome dev tools, the post request is not completed and it shows canceled in the status column.
When I look at the general header there is no post request executed
This is what the Javascript code where the request is put together looks like:
function toevoegenLand(){
document.querySelector("#toevoegen").addEventListener("click", function (){
var formData = new FormData(document.querySelector("#toevoegform"));
var encData = new URLSearchParams(formData.entries());
var fetchoptions = {method: 'POST', body:encData, headers: {'Authorization' : 'Bearer ' + window.sessionStorage.getItem("sessionToken")}};
fetch("restservices/countries/", fetchoptions)
.then(response => response.json())
.then(function(myJson){ console.log(myJson); });
The request is handled in WorldResource.Java
public Response addCountry(@Context SecurityContext sc,
@FormParam("addCode")String c,
@FormParam("addCountry")String nm,
@FormParam("addCapital") String h,
@FormParam("addRegion") String r,
@FormParam("addOpp") double o,
@FormParam("addPop") int i,
@FormParam("addGov")String g,
@FormParam("addCon")String cn){
Country newLand = service.saveLand(c, nm, h, r, o, i, g, cn);
return Response.ok(newLand).build();
The HTML form is nothing special
<form id="toevoegform">
Code:<input type="text" id="addCode" name="addCode"><br>
Land:<input type="text" id="addCountry" name="addCountry"><br>
Hoofdstad:<input type="text" id="addCapital" name="addCapital"><br>
Regio:<input type="text" id="addRegion" name="addRegion"><br>
Oppvervlakte:<input type="text" id="addOpp" name="addOpp"><br>
Inwoners:<input type="text" id="addPop" name="addPop"><br>
Overheid:<input type="text" id="addGov" name="addGov"><br>
Continent:<input type="text" id="addCon" name="addCon"><br>
<button type="button" id= "toevoegen">Toevoegen</button>
Why is the request canceled? Or how can I figure this out?
It's probably because you reload the page before request completion. do this instead:
fetch("restservices/countries/", fetchoptions)
.then(response => response.json())
// Here you are sure that your request has been done
Since you are dealing with Promise (code ran asynchronously) you have no way to be sure it will be executed before the following instructions.
Hope it helped.